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WESTERN CAROLINA RADIO CLUB - APPLICATION FOR NEW MEMBERSHIP (Returning members please contact an officer for assistance) Revised October 2017 Continued    NAME:  ___________________________________________________DATE OF BIRTH: _____________________    AMA #: __________________________ FLYING STATUS (circle one):  Novice      Pilot           NAME:  ___________________________________________________DATE OF BIRTH: _____________________    AMA #: __________________________ FLYING STATUS (circle one):  Novice      Pilot           NAME:  ___________________________________________________DATE OF BIRTH: _____________________    AMA #: __________________________ FLYING STATUS (circle one):  Novice      Pilot         If you have any questions, please contact one of the 2018 officers:   President     John Dillewyn H(864) 297-1462 C(864)884-9404 Vice President   Roger McGlone  H(864) 288-2441 C(864)270-6585   Secretary/Treasurer Bob Jackson  H(864) 288-5304 C(864)430-4730 Safety Officer   Fred Endler                               C(864)901-2972   or email